It takes time to find yourself

It takes time to find yourself

Por Annabelle Copenhay

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ENG: "It takes time to find yourself" Borderline personality disorders, eating disorders and schizophrenia are diseases that the author has struggled with during the twelve years of her life. It describes the hard and long way out of these diseases, the ups and downs associated with them and the great racing of thoughts accompanying these ailments. What methods did she use in order not to eat and lose weight, and how she hid it perfectly for years. While in hospital, she found out that she suffers from borderline disorder, or "borderline personality"- a disorder on the border of neurosis and psychosis. He talks about his adventures with men, great love and numerous friendships. It also shows a moment of great faith in God, as well as relations with the family, its disbelief, rebellion, and finally great love and support. POL: "Trzeba d?ugo i??, ?eby doj?? do siebie" Zaburzenia osobowo?ci typu borderline, zaburzenia od?ywiania i schizofrenii, to choroby z jakimi zmaga?a si? autorka w ci?gu dwunastu lat swojego ?ycia. Opisuje ci??k? i d?ug? drog? wychodzenia z tych chorób, wzloty i upadki z nimi zwi?zane oraz wielk? gonitw? my?li towarzysz?c? tym przypad?o?ciom. Do jakich metod dopuszcza?a si?, by nie je?? lub schudn?? i jak przez lata doskonale to ukrywa?a. Przebywaj?c w szpitalu dowiedzia?a si?, ?e cierpi na zaburzenia borderline czyli „osobowo?? z pogranicza” - zaburzenie na granicy nerwicy i psychozy. Opowiada o swoich przygodach z m??czyznami, ogromnej mi?o?ci i licznych przyja?niach. Ukazany jest te? moment wielkiej wiary w Boga, a tak?e relacje z rodzin?, jej niedowierzanie, buntowanie, a? w ko?cu ogromn? mi?o?? i wsparcie. Polska wersja dost?pna w osobnym e-booku.

Annabelle Copenhay