

Por Alexander Bell

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Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


In recent years, the concept of self-therapy has gained significant attention in the field of mental health. As the stigma surrounding mental illness continues to dissipate, individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of their mental well-being. Self-therapy, also known as self-help or self-directed therapy, has emerged as a popular approach to mental health management. This chapter will delve into the concept of self-therapy, its history, benefits, and limitations, as well as its role in modern mental health. What is Self-Therapy? Self-therapy refers to the process of using various techniques, strategies, and methods to manage one's mental health and well-being without the direct guidance of a mental health professional.

Alexander Bell

Geboren 1970 in Russland, ?bersiedlung in die DDR 1981. Auswanderung in die BRD 1991. Abitur, Studium, Selbst?ndig ab 2004.