An alternative to

An alternative to "alternativeless"

Por Frank Lesser

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The main focus is on a novel analysis, a first-time exposure of the true causes and a sensational immediate solution (which I rightly call a "trick") to our economic, monetary and financial problems, a solution that can not only be implemented in a sensationally short time, but is also made sustainable and lasting by accompanying measures. This sustainability of the solution, which goes hand in hand with the immediate effect of the trick, does not apply to the commercial banks, because they were only deliberately made into superficial scapegoats, the main evil being the algorithms used by the central banks to create so-called primary money creation. Within EMU, the "trick" involves the introduction of country-specific parallel currencies to the EURO. In detail, this is designed to create parallel economic areas, which, however, do not overlap the euro economic area, but rather fit exactly into the gaps that have been torn open within the euro economic area by undesirable developments. These incredibly important details are explained in detail in the book. With the implementation of such a basic solution (trick plus novel money creation at the central banks), the prerequisite would be created to also approach and solve other political problem areas, which have also been celebrated up to now "without alternatives", in the same "alternative" way of thinking, and therefore they are also taken up in the book, e.g: Pension policy, family policy, parliamentary reform, tax reform, reform of the electoral law, reform of care for the elderly, school policy, securing the European energy supply. However, these other political problem areas that I have taken up are to be regarded as secondary; they are merely suggestions, in contrast to the two main points of the basic solution, without which nothing at all can be done, and which I am calling for in the long term because no other promising alternative is known at present. Although my book naturally focuses on the German way out of the crisis, I would like to emphasize that I would like to see a European solution (at least for all countries of the European Monetary Union) and that a German solo effort is hardly feasible and also not desirable. The solutions I propose can be transferred practically 1:1 to all EMU countries, and I often point this out in my remarks. Even the non-EMU countries Great Britain and the USA could immediately adopt my concepts; for they face identical problems!

Frank Lesser

Cuando emprendo nuevos "proyectos", mi cerebro tiene la capacidad de llenarse literalmente de todo tipo de hechos, filtrarlos inmediatamente y clasificar todos los insignificantes e ignorarlos en gran medida. Los hechos importantes los enlazo de la forma más lógica e impecable posible, como un jugador de ajedrez. Aquí es donde reside mi verdadera fuerza, tanto por el gran número de unidades de este tipo como por el escaso número de errores. Una vez que el "proyecto" está completo a mi satisfacción, entonces "nace el niño" y olvido deliberadamente todos los hechos y detalles, mi cerebro se borra y formatea como la memoria de un ordenador para dejar sitio al siguiente proyecto y a las siguientes unidades lógicas. Pero, por supuesto, las palabras clave son suficientes para volver a recordar lo olvidado si es necesario, aunque esto lleva su tiempo. Así que mi punto fuerte no reside en una memoria fotográfica a largo plazo de todas las cosas que he abordado en mi vida, sino en almacenar con paciencia infinita en mi memoria a corto plazo todos los datos relevantes para el problema que me interesa en ese momento, en afinar y refinar constantemente las ideas y las conclusiones. Por eso no soy el tipo de persona que responde a una pregunta complicada a la velocidad del rayo. Me tomo mi tiempo para escudriñar y pensar las cosas, y mis respuestas son correspondientemente profundas. En consecuencia, quien ponga en duda o ataque mis opiniones y soluciones a los problemas, que he encontrado con tanto esfuerzo, lo tiene difícil. No porque sea terco, sino porque todas mis opiniones y convicciones tienen fundamentos muy arraigados.
  • Editorial:
  • tredition
  • ISBN:
  • 9783384170651
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 31, 2023
  • Protección:
  • DRM

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