The Coming of Cassidy And the Others

The Coming of Cassidy And the Others

Por Clarence E. Mulford

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The trail boss shook his fist after the departing puncher and swore softly. He hated to lose a man at this time and he had been a little reckless in threatening to "fire" him; but in a gun-fighting outfit there was no room for a hothead. "Cimarron" was boss of the outfit that was driving a large herd of cattle to California, a feat that had been accomplished before, but that no man cared to attempt the second time. Had his soul been enriched by the gift of prophecy he would have turned back. As it was he returned to the work ahead of him. "Aw, let him go," he growled. "He's wuss off 'n I am, an' he 'll find it out quick. I never did see nobody what got crazy mad so quick as him."

Clarence E. Mulford