Some Cannot Be Caught

Some Cannot Be Caught

The Emma Press Poetry Anthologies

Por Anja Konig, Liane Strauss

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The Emma Press Book of Beasts rustles and roars with the voices of animals and humans, co-existing on Earth with varying degrees of harmony. A scorpion appears in a shower; a deer jumps in front of a car. A swarm of snowfleas seethes through leaf litter; children bait a gorilla at the zoo. The poems in this anthology examine hierarchy, herds, power, and the price we pay for belonging.

Liane Strauss

Liane Strauss is an American poet and professor of Comparative Literature and Creative Writing. She is the author of three poetry collections: Leaving Eden (Salt, 2010), Frankie, Alfredo (Donut Press, 2009) and All the Ways You Still Remind Me of the Moon (Paekakariki Press, 2015). Liane teaches at Rutgers and NYU, participates regularly in The Hudson Review’s Writers in the Schools, and holds an active Research Fellowship at Goldsmith’s College, University of London. She is currently developing a podcast, What We Talk About When We Talk About Poetry, looking for a US publisher for her recently completed manuscript of poems, The Uncertainty Principle, working on a new collection of poems, Ghost Stories, and finishing her first novel, The Insomnia Notebooks.