Social research applied to english language teaching in Colombian contexts

Social research applied to english language teaching in Colombian contexts

Por Wilder Yesid Escobar Alméciga

Formato: EPUB  
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


Within the diverse Colombian context, the issues concerning the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) call for theories and methodologies entering into the socio-political realms of influence which shape the dynamics of the language-acquisition process. As such, Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods takes into consideration a comprehensive analysis of five social phenomena, interpreting their impact, and prompting reflection on alternative strategies for development and growth within the EFL social environment.

Wilder Yesid Escobar Alméciga

  • Editorial:
  • Universidad del Bosque
  • ISBN:
  • 9789587391282
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 31, 2017
  • Protección:
  • DRM