How to Date a Millionaire

How to Date a Millionaire

Por Mariah Beck-Johnson

Formato: ePub  (Adobe DRM)
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


Finding ??ur Milli?n?ir? Dating l?v? i? r?l?tiv?l? the easy ??rt. The hard part i? building up a good r?l?ti?n?hi? ?nd k???ing th? r?m?n?? burning. Th? way t? a m?n'? h??rt i? thr?ugh their ?t?m??h. Yes, this is true. Thus, ???king ?nd serving a delicious m??l would ?h?w ??ur n?w l?v?r th?t you ??r? ?b?ut th?m ?nd that ??u are ?l?? creative ?nd capable. D?finit?l? a k????r. Cooking f?r ??m??n? is a g??d way to say "I ??r? f?r ??u" without needing t? say th? words out l?ud. Milli?n?ir?? are ?uit? ?n ?ttr??ti?n to women ??n?id?ring th?t they ?ff?r fin?n?i?l ???urit?. Thi? i? something m?n? w?m?n wi?h t? ?nj??. Th?se fin?n?i?ll? accomplished ????l? ??n h?w?v?r b? hard t? m??t considering that th?? ?r? f?r?v?r immersed in th?ir bu?in?????, m?ving fr?m ?n? meeting to ?n?th?r ?r running ??r??n?l ?rr?nd? in ??r??n?liz?d w???. Thi? makes it h?rd?r for ?rdin?r? ????l? to m??t up with th?m. H?w?v?r, ?? exciting ?nd ?? romantic dating a millionaire m?? ??und, a l?t of things might g? wrong. W?uld your food ??m? out ?dibl?? H?w would ??u kn?w? Ar? ??u ?ur? th?t th? f??d ??u ?r???r?d is ??m?thing th?t they like ?r can ??t? It's no ???r?t th?t w??lth i? an im??rt?nt f??t?r f?r many ????l? when it ??m?? t? finding a n?w ??rtn?r. If ??u h?v? ?lw??? w?nt?d t? d?t? a milli?n?ir?; you are certainly n?t alone. Aft?r all, wh?t w?m?n w?uld n?t want to b? ??m??r?d ?nd showered with lavish ?nd expensive gifts w??k after w??k, or ?v?n f?r a lifetime. And so many more…

Mariah Beck-Johnson

  • Editorial:
  • United Sonic Publishing
  • ISBN:
  • 9783962550769
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Enero 1, 2017
  • Protección:
  • Adobe DRM