Tales of Passed Times

Tales of Passed Times

Por Charles Perrault

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It is to Perrault that we owe our acquaintance with the greater number of good old-fashioned fairy-tales, but an edition of these, although it includes such intimate friends of our childhood as Blue Beard, the Sleeping Beauty, and Little Red Riding-Hood, is hardly complete without "Beauty and the Beast"; a version of this tale, by Mme. Le Prince de Beaumont, has, therefore, been added to this collection. It has also been increased, space permitting it, by the insertion of two tales by Mme. la Comtesse d'Aulnoy; her writings, of a less robust class than those of Perrault, possess in their atmosphere of hidden magic, the charm which resides in that special feature of fairyland, and the addition of "The Benevolent Frog" and "Princess Rosette" will not, we think, be unwelcome to the youthful reader.

Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault (París, Francia, 12 de enero de 1628 – ibídem, 16 de mayo de 1703) fue un escritor francés, principalmente reconocido por haber dado forma literaria a cuentos clásicos infantiles tales como Caperucita Roja y El gato con botas, atemperando en muchos casos la crudeza de las versiones orales.
  • Editorial:
  • Publisher s11838
  • ISBN:
  • 9788822839374
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 27, 2015
  • Protección:
  • Watermark

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