This carefully crafted ebook: "JOHN BUCHAN - Complete Short Stories Collection (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents:
Grey Weather
The Ballad for Grey Weather
Prester John
At the Article of Death
Politics and the May-Fly
A Reputation
A Journey of Little Profit
At the Rising of the Waters
The Earlier Affection
The Black Fishers
Summer Weather
The Oasis in the Snow
The Herd of Standlan
Streams of Water in the South
The Moor-Song
Comedy in the Full Moon
The Moon Endureth:
The Company of the Marjolaine
A Lucid Interval
The Lemnian
Streams of Water In The South
The Grove of Ashtaroth
The Riding of Ninemileburn
The Kings of Orion
The Rime of True Thomas
The Runagates Club
The Green Wildebeest
Human Quarry, or The Frying-Pan and the Fire
Dr. Lartius
The Wind in The Portico
"Divus" Johnston
The Loathly Opposite
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Ship to Tarshish
Skule Skerry
"Tendebant Manus"
The Last Crusade
The Far Islands
The Last Crusade
The Wife of Flanders
The King of Ypres
The Keeper of Cademuir
The Strange Adventure of Mr. Andrew Hawthorn
John Buchan (1875-1940) was a Scottish novelist and historian and also served as Canada's Governor General. His 100 works include nearly thirty novels, seven collections of short stories and biographies. But, the most famous of his books were the adventure and spy thrillers, most notably The Thirty-Nine Steps, and it is for these that he is now best remembered.