Matthew C. Heckel

Matthew C. Heckel has a Ph. D. in Reformation Studies from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He is Visiting Instructor in Church History at Covenant Theological Seminary and Adjunct Professor of History at Missouri Baptist University, both in St. Louis. He has published various articles and book reviews in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Church History, Presbyterion, Integrite: A Faith and Learning Journal, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: Economic Education, and the T & T Clark Companion to Reformation Theology. He has presented papers at the Evangelical Theological Society, The Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, and the North American Forum for Luther Research. His interests lie in historical theology and church history of late antiquity and the Reformation era. He enjoys teaching ancient, medieval, Reformation, and modern history and pursuing ecumenical aims for the Christian faith.